Last week most people spent most of their time at Cantelowes. I like to start with a sweeping generalisation.
The bowl is great for taking crap skate photos. I want to be the new Meany from Skateboard! mag or Mad Mike Johns.
The Tuesday shop is 1 year old today!!! Congratulations Jon and well done, you've done us proud.
Terrible photo but one of the most fun times I've had on a skateboard in years. A tuesday night, blind drunk, skating a curb. That's the dream session right there.
Thursday was Sam and Ches's Adidas thing. Look at Ritchie's beard! Christ! (say that in your best Pin voice!)
Yes Glen!
Uh oh... Apparently Jon got asked to leave later in the evening for taking a photo up some girl's skirt. Ha ha ha ha ha! I bet you fifty quid his response was "ELLO!?!"
My new favourite pub and it's about 100 yards from my house.
Sunday lunch by the river with Rach, Ben, Elliot, Ace and The Sarge.
I've never been able to do this before, hence the smug look.