Woah! The Guardian has put Rach's band Fromage En Feu as THE number 1 night out on New Year's Eve for the whole damn country! Pretty good eh? It was in Saturday's paper apparently.
Just added a new interview clip thing to the Landscape podcast. Following on from the Soy one a while back this has Joey and Rory talking about pretty random stuff - travelling, filming and Joey's first board. It's pretty tramline to do these things these days but it's fun to put together and better than some rough offcuts on their own I guess. Subscribe to the podcast HERE or watch the clip online by clicking the pic above. Subscribing to the podcast will get you loads of other clips too including the whole of the Portraits video! For free!
Notice above how I can't keep up with Joey in that night-time NYC line - it was freezing and the pavement was fucked and I'm very, very old!
Fos called this morning to say he's got me 2 tickets for Morrissey next year as a Christmas present!! Siiiiiick!! Cheers geez!
Oh and Horizons itself should be out tomorrow. It got to our distributor today so go ask at your local shred shed.
This was in Bristol Museum. Touch the screen? What's it gonna do? Electrocute me? I don't want to know more about death, not yet anyway! Phone cam got emptied. Random crap has been building up in there for a while. Ah... that old bumper sticker classic combo - Cradle Of Filth and Fat Willy's Surf Shack. Apparently everyone in Bristol knows about this but it was new to me - JASON DONER-VAN! Fucking geniuses! First graffiti I've genuinely approved of in living memory (apart from marker pen graff on bus stops that say "Donna takes it up the arse" and stuff like that) Dirty boy Joel Curtis drew this. I hope his wife sees it. Anyone got her email address?
So, for my birthday last weekend Rachel took me to Barcelona! It was due to be an amazing weekend of mirth and drunken antics. It started off on the right foot with a bit of Cava on the balcony and a stroll down to the beach. Then that night I basically got the worst case of flu I've ever had. You know when you say "I'm a bit Flu-ey" and you've got the sniffles and a cough? Well I reckon I know what flu is really like now. Cold Sweats, feeling like dying, chest full of hot coals and thinking you've gone insane. Rachel came out of the bathroom on Sunday to find me crawling around on the floor talking gibberish and panicking about fuck knows what. It was gnarly.
Saturday was my birthday so we tried to get out see some sights. The hill up to Gaudi park nearly made my lungs explode but the architecture was amazing. I've only ever been to Barca on skate trips before and never got to see the good shit. You know when water sculptures have water coming out of their mouths? Doesn't it look like they're puking? I put my finger down it's throat to help out. The spell ® Eeewwww. I like sausage and I like beans but....Ewww!! Some massive Cathedral. Beautiful building obviously but made me so fucking angry. Coin slots EVERYWHERE. Like, "Here's Saint Juan - now give us your cash". The (catholic) church is fucking disgusting and if you believe in that shit I have a new policy for you - I'm gonna laugh my ass off if it ever comes up in conversation. Zero tolerance from now on. You choose to belong to a ridiculous cult then I'm going to take the piss out of you as blatantly as I can. If I said the Loch Ness monster was real you'd laugh at me right? It's EXACTLY the same thing. Except followers of Nessie (if there are any) aren't responsible for the death of millions, the mind control of billions and don't demand you hand over your money so they can get fucked up in the Vatican. Cunts. Rach finally gets a Mojito! I'm so sorry I ruined the whole trip baby! I've never felt so ill in my life and less like partying. I'll make it up to you one day - I promise. It was such a nice idea.