Last night I went back down to Brighton for the Tuesday Crue xmas party. We had a quick shred and then went to this great Lebanese restaurant for dinner.
The empty seat belongs to Owen who was conspicuous by his abscence. Probably stayed in to make some pink cords or something.
After dinner the hookah came out and everyone got stuck in (except me 'cos I gave up smoking and am well strict about it with myself now. The rest of the crue's verdict - I'm a pussy. They're probably right)
It kind of looks like it's connected to Steve's knob here and Bruce is doing him a favour.
Jobby and Pete. I've even changed their names on my phone to this now.
By the end we were all hammered and went for a quick coffin down the hill, like you do.
Oh and here's part 2 of the bits-of-old-videos series - the Oxford/Alex Moul part from VF2. It's got probably the best Mouly footy (in my opinion) and Ben Powell with a mohican - what more do you want?
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